Blood pressure is necessary for the arteries so that blood can reach each and every part of the body; this is why the heart of the human body pumps blood with certain pressure.
But when this pressure exceeds healthy limits and stays higher than normal limits for a considerable duration, it is classified as hypertension or high blood pressure.
Blood pressure measurement has two readings, upper and lower. The upper readings state the pressure on the walls of arteries when heart muscles are squeezing, called as Systolic pressure.
The lower reading states the pressure when heart muscles are relaxed and refilling bulb with blood, called Diastolic pressure.
According to the latest medical advice, the blood pressure of a healthy human being shall stay less than 140/90 which means Systolic pressure less than 140 and Diastolic pressure less than 90.
Constant readings more than these, indicate the existence of the problem which needs immediate attention.
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Herbal treatment for high blood pressure is very useful in bringing down excess pressure in the arteries and protects health from damages.
High blood pressure does not occur due to the malfunction of any particular organ. There can be innumerable reasons which can initiate it.
Genetic factors are one of the major causes of the problem as this has been seen running in the families. Apart from genetics, psychological causes, diseases, medicines, lifestyle and eating habits have been found largely responsible for initiating this problem.
If high blood pressure is not controlled quickly, its effects on health can be devastating. Constant pressure on the heart can weaken heart muscles and increase the chances of a heart attack.
Regular pressure on the walls of arteries can make them rigid and rough which increases the chances of stroke and brain hemorrhage, and it also increases the chances of cholesterol deposition.
Regular high blood pressure increases the chances of diabetes, arterial blockages, anxiety, and depression. It is also dangerous for kidneys and causes chronic fatigue at a later stage.
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